University of Burgundy, France

University of Cambridge,UK

Raissa D'SOUZA
University of California Davis, USA

Boston University, USA

University of Chicago, USA

University of Lyon, France

University College London, UK

ENS de Lyon, France

Université Lyon 1, France

Huijuan WANG
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

New York University, USA

Feng XIA
Dalian University of Technology, China

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Jinhu LÜ
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

ENS de Lyon, France

Sabrina GAITO
University of Milan, Italy

University of Lyon, France

Jannik LAVAL
University of Lyon 2, France

University of Lyon 2, France
Sophie | Achard | GIPSA-lab, CNRS |
Masaki | Aida | Tokyo Metropolitan University |
Luca Maria | Aiello | Nokia Bell Labs |
Tatsuya | Akutsu | Kyoto University |
Reka | Albert | The Pennsylvania State University |
Antoine | Allard | Laval University |
Eivind | Almaas | NTNU-Norwegian Univ. of Sci & Tech |
Claudio | Altafini | linköping university |
Lucila | Alvarez-Zuzek | IFIMAR-UNMdP |
Fred | Amblard | IRIT - University Toulouse 1 Capitole |
Claudio | Angione | Teesside University |
Alberto | Antonioni | Carlos III University of Madrid |
Nino | Antulov | ETH Zurich |
Nuno | Araujo | Universidade de Lisboa |
Elsa | Arcaute | University College London |
Valerio | Arnaboldi | Caltech |
Tomaso | Aste | University College London |
Martin | Atzmueller | Tilburg University |
Rodolfo | Baggio | Bocconi University |
James | Bagrow | University of Vermont |
Sven | Banisch | Max Planck Institute |
Baruch | Barzel | Bar-Ilan University |
Nikita | Basov | St. Petersburg State University |
Gareth | Baxter | University of Aveiro |
Mariano | Beguerisse Diaz | Spotify Limited |
Rosa M. | Benito | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
Jacob | Biamonte | University of Malta |
Ginestra | Bianconi | Queen Mary University of London |
Jeremy | Blackburn | University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Anthony | Bonato | Ryerson University |
Pierre | Borgnat | CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique ENS de Lyon |
Stefan | Bornholdt | University of Bremen |
Dan | Braha | NECSI |
Ulrik | Brandes | ETH Zurich |
Lidia A. | Braunstein | UNMdP |
Markus | Brede | University of Southampton |
Marco | Bressan | Sapienza University of Rome |
Piotr | Bródka | Wroclaw University of Science and Technology |
Javier M. | Buldu | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos & Center for Biomedical Technology |
Raffaella | Burioni | Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Parma |
Kanat | Camlibel | University of Groningen |
Carlo Vittorio | Cannistraci | TU Dresden |
Vincenza | Carchiolo | Universita di Catania |
Alessio | Cardillo | Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES) |
Rui | Carvalho | Durham University |
Giona | Casiraghi | ETH Zurich |
Remy | Cazabet | Univ Lyon, Université Lyon 1, CNRS, LIRIS UMR5205, F-69622 France |
L. Elisa | Celis | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
Kwang-Cheng | Chen | University of South Florida |
Fu Lai | Chung | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Richard | Clegg | Imperial College, London |
Jack | Cole | ARL |
Giacomo | Como | Lund University |
Luciano | Costa | University of São Paulo |
Emanuele | Cozzo | BiFi |
Regino | Criado | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos |
Mihai | Cucuringu | University of California, Los Angeles |
Bhaskar | Dasgupta | Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Jörn | Davidsen | University of Calgary |
Fabrizio | De Vico Fallani | Inria - ICM |
Michela | Del Vicario | IMT Lucca |
Jean-Charles | Delvenne | University of Louvain |
José | Devezas | INESC TEC and DEI-FEUP |
Jana | Diesner | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Louis | Dubé | Laval University |
Jordi | Duch | Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
Marten | During | Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) |
Mohammed | El Hassouni | Mohammed V University in Rabat |
Omodei | Elisa | UNICEF |
Frank | Emmert-Streib | Tampere University of Technology |
Gunes | Ercal | SIUE |
Ernesto | Estrada | University of Strathclyde |
Tim | Evans | Imperial College London |
Mauro | Faccin | ICTEAM, Universitè Catholique de Louvain |
Giorgio | Fagiolo | Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies |
Alessandro | Flammini | Indiana University Bloomington |
Eric | Fleury | ENS Lyon / INRIA |
Manuel | Foerster | University of Hamburg |
Mattia | Frasca | University of Catania |
José Manuel | Galán | Universidad de Burgos |
Edoardo | Gallo | University of Cambridge |
Yerali | Gandica | Université Catholique de Louvain |
Álvaro | García-Recuero | Queen Mary University of London |
Silvia | Giordano | SUPSi |
James | Gleeson | University of Limerick |
Kwang-Il | Goh | Korea University |
Sergio | Gómez | Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
Jesus | Gomez-Gardenes | Universidad de Zaragoza |
Bruno | Gonçalves | New York University |
Przemyslaw | Grabowicz | Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) |
Steve | Gregory | University of Bristol |
Thilo | Gross | University of Bristol |
Jelena | Grujic | Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Jean-Loup | Guillaume | L3i - Université de la Rochelle |
Mehmet | Gunes | University of Nevada, Reno |
Aric | Hagberg | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Edwin | Hancock | University of York |
Chris | Hankin | Imperial College London |
Jin-Kao | Hao | University of Angers, France |
Yukio | Hayashi | Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Laurent | Hébert-Dufresne | University of Vermont |
Denis | Helic | Graz University of Technology |
Shaun | Hendy | The University of Auckland |
Babak | Heydari | Stevens Institute of Technology |
Desmond | Higham | University of Strathclyde |
Philipp | Hoevel | TU Berlin |
Seok-Hee | Hong | University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA |
Ulrich | Hoppe | University Duisburg-Essen |
Pan | Hui | HKUST & University of Helsinki |
Yuichi | Ikeda | Kyoto University |
Gerardo | Iñiguez | Next Games & Aalto University (Finland), UNAM (Mexico) |
Plamen | Ivanov | Boston University |
Mahdi | Jalili | RMIT University |
Jaroslaw | Jankowski | West Pomeranian University of Technology |
Marco Alberto | Javarone | School of Computing, University of Kent |
Tao | Jia | Southwest University, Chongqing, P. R. China |
Di | Jin | Tianjin University |
Hang-Hyun | Jo | Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) |
Nick | Jones | Imperial College |
Bertrand | Jouve | CNRS |
Byungnam | Kahng | Seoul National University |
Rushed | Kanawati | Université Paris 13 |
Márton | Karsai | ENS de Lyon |
Mehmet | Kaya | Firat University |
Przemysław | Kazienko | Wroclaw University of Science and Technology |
Dror | Kenett | Johns Hopkins University |
Yoed | Kenett | University of Pennsylvania |
Khaldoun | Khashanah | Stevens Institute of Technology |
Hamamache | Kheddouci | Universit Claude Bernard |
Hyoungshick | Kim | Sungkyunkwan University |
Maksim | Kitsak | Northeastern University |
Mikko | Kivela | Aalto University |
Peter | Klimek | Medical University of Vienna |
Nicolas | Kourtellis | Telefonica Research |
Danai | Koutra | University of Michigan |
Jérôme | Kunegis | University of Namur |
Ryszard | Kutner | Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw |
Haewoon | Kwak | Qatar Computing Research Institute |
Lucas | Lacasa | Queen Mary University of London |
Renaud | Lambiotte | University of Oxford |
Christine | Largeron | Université de Lyon |
Jennifer | Larson | New York University |
Matthieu | Latapy | CNRS |
Stephen | Law | University College London |
Anna T. | Lawniczak | University of Guelph, Canada |
Benedicte | Le-Grand | Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne |
Eric | Leclercq | University of Burgundy - Laboratory LE2I |
Sang Hoon | Lee | Korea Institute for Advanced Study |
Sune | Lehmann | Technical University of Denmark |
Nelly | Litvak | University of Twente |
Yang-Yu | Liu | Harvard University |
Alessandro | Longheu | DIEEI - University of Catania |
Jinhu | Lu | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
John C.S. | Lui | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Matteo | Magnani | Uppsala University |
Clemence | Magnien | LIP6 (CNRS - Sorbonne Université) |
Hernan | Makse | City University of New York |
Giuseppe | Mangioni | University of Catania |
Madhav | Marathe | Virginia Tech |
Andrea | Marino | University of Pisa |
Antonio | Marques | King Juan Carlos University |
Michael | Mäs | University of Groningen |
Cristina | Masoller | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Rossana | Mastrandrea | IMT Institute of Advanced Studies |
Naoki | Masuda | University of Bristol |
Matúš | Medo | University of Electronic Science and Technology of China |
Natarajan | Meghanathan | Jackson State University |
Guy | Melançon | Université de Bordeaux, CNRS LaBRI UMR 5800 |
Jörg | Menche | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Jose Fernando | Mendes | University of Aveiro |
Ronaldo | Menezes | Florida Institute of Technology |
Radosław | Michalski | Wrocław University of Science and Technology |
Bivas | Mitra | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur |
Marija | Mitrovic | Institute of physics Belgrade |
Suzy | Moat | The University of Warwick |
Sotiris | Moschoyiannis | University of Surrey |
Igor | Mozetič | Jozef Stefan Institute |
Animesh | Mukherjee | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Tsuyoshi | Murata | The University of Tokyo |
Katarzyna | Musial | Bournemouth University |
Mirco | Musolesi | University College London |
Muaz | Niazi | COMSATS Institute of IT |
Andrea | Omicini | Alma Mater Studiorum–Università di Bologna |
Gergely | Palla | Statistical and Biological Physics Research Group of HAS |
Pietro | Panzarasa | Queen Mary University of London |
Fragkiskos | Papadopoulos | Cyprus University of Technology |
Symeon | Papadopoulos | Information Technologies Institute |
Michela | Papandrea | SUPSI |
Han Woo | Park | YeungNam University |
Juyong | Park | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Andrea | Passarella | IIT-CNR |
Leto | Peel | Universite catholique de Louvain |
Tiago | Peixoto | University of Bath |
Matjaz | Perc | University of Maribor |
Nicola | Perra | University of Greenwich |
Giovanni | Petri | ISI Foundation |
Carlo | Piccardi | Politecnico di Milan |
Carlos | Pineda | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
Sebastian | Poledna | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis |
Chiara | Poletto | INSERM, Sorbonne Université |
Victor | Preciado | University of Pennsylvania |
Natasa | Przulj | Computer Science Department |
Christian | Quadri | University of Milan |
Marco | Quaggiotto | ISI Foundation |
Walter | Quattrociocchi | Labss,Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies |
Jose J. | Ramasco | IFISC (CSIC-UIB) |
Asha | Rao | RMIT University |
Felix | Reed-Tsochas | University of Oxford |
Gesine | Reinert | University of Oxford |
Pedro | Ribeiro | University of Porto |
Massimo | Riccaboni | IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca |
Laura | Ricci | dipartimento di informatica, Univ. di Pisa |
Luis E C | Rocha | University of Greenwich |
Luis M. | Rocha | Indiana University Bloomington |
Francisco | Rodrigues | University of São Paulo |
Henrik | Ronellenfitsch | University of Pennsylvania |
Luca | Rossi | IT University of Copenhagen |
Martin | Rosvall | Umeå Univeristy |
Camille | Roth | Sciences Po |
Amir | Rubin | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
Marc | Santolini | Northeastern University |
Francisco C. | Santos | Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal |
Jari | Saramäki | Aalto University |
Hiroki | Sayama | Binghamton University, SUNY |
Antonio | Scala | Institute for Complex Systems / Italian National Research Council |
Maximilian | Schich | The University of Texas at Dallas |
Grant | Schoenebeck | University of Michigan |
Ingo | Scholtes | ETH Zurich |
Frank | Schweitzer | ETH Zurich |
Caterina | Scoglio | Kansas State University |
Simone | Severini | University College London |
Aneesh | Sharma | |
Rajesh | Sharma | University of Tartu |
Tiago | Simas | Telefonica Innovation Alpha |
Filippo | Simini | University of Bristol |
Anurag | Singh | NIT Delhi |
Per Sebastian | Skardal | none |
Michael | Small | The University of Western Australia |
Zbigniew | Smoreda | Orange Labs |
Chaoming | Song | University of Miami |
Mauro | Sozio | Télécom ParisTech |
Jie | Sun | Clarkson University |
Pål | Sundsøy | NBIM |
Michael | Szell | Central European University |
Bosiljka | Tadic | Jozef Stefan Institute |
Lucia | Tajoli | Politecnico di Milano |
Kazuhiro | Takemoto | Kyushu Institute of Technology |
Frank | Takes | University of Amsterdam (CORPNET) and Leiden University (LIACS) |
Fabien | Tarissan | CNRS - ENS Paris-Saclay (ISP) |
Dane | Taylor | University at Buffalo, SUNY |
Claudio Juan | Tessone | University of Zurich |
I-Hsien | Ting | National University of Kaohsiung |
Olivier | Togni | Lab. LE2I, Burgundy university |
Ljiljana | Trajkovic | Simon Fraser University |
Jan | Treur | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Milena | Tsvetkova | University of Oxford |
Liubov | Tupikina | Ecole Polytechnique, France |
Stephen | Uzzo | New York Hall of Science |
Sergi | Valverde | University Pompeu Fabra |
Piet | Van Mieghem | Delft University of Technology |
Balazs | Vedres | CEU |
Huijuan | Wang | Delft University of Technology |
Pinghui | Wang | Xi'an Jiaotong University |
Guanghui | Wen | Southeast University |
Richard | Wilson | University of York |
Ernst | Wit | University of Groningen |
Feng | Xia | Dalian University of Technology |
Gang | Yan | Tongji University, Shanghai, China |
Wenwu | Yu | Southeast University |
Maryam | Zamani | Eotvos University |
Zi-Ke | Zhang | Hangzhou Normal University |
Matteo | Zignani | Università degli Studi di Milano - Dipartimento di Informatica |
Antonio | Zippo | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche |
Vinko | Zlatić | Institute Rudjer Boskovic |